ScanForm.OnlyTitlesBox.Caption=Add only movie titles
ScanForm.OnlyTitlesBox.Hint=Check if you want to fast add only movies titles and no other information
ScanForm.Panel1.Caption=Wait while scan is performed
ScanForm.DeleteBtn.Hint=Delete selected movies from list
ScanForm.AddBtn.Caption=Add movies
ScanForm.AddBtn.Hint=Add movies from the list to the database
AppendForm.Caption=Append from
AppendForm.InvertBtn.Caption=Invert selection
ExcelImportForm.Caption=Import From Excel File
ExcelImportForm.DelRowBtn.Caption=Delete Row
ExcelImportForm.DelColBtn.Caption=Delete Column
ExcelImportForm.Label1.Caption=Available fields
ExcelImportForm.Label2.Caption=You have to assign field names for columns. Select correct field and click on the column header
BarcodeForm.Caption=DVD Add by Barcode
BarcodeForm.Label1.Caption=Hint: Enter code numbers one by one in the text field below or use your barcode scanner. For example, for the barcode at the left you have to enter 786936224306.
BarcodeForm.Label2.Caption=Enter or scan as many barcodes as you want and press Next button for batch processing
BarcodeForm.BatchBox.Caption=Batch Mode
ScannerFrm.Caption=Get cover from TWAIN device (scanner)
ExportToPocketPCFrm.Caption=Export to the mobile device
ExportToPocketPCFrm.InfoLabel.Caption=Make sure your mobile device is connected and Microsoft ActiveSync is active
ExportToPocketPCFrm.TitleRadiogroup.Caption=Select title for export
ExportToPocketPCFrm.MoviesRadioGroup.Items[2]=All from wishlist
ExportToPocketPCFrm.MoviesRadioGroup.Items[3]=All seen
ExportToPocketPCFrm.WaitPanel.Caption=Connecting to the mobile device...
ExportToPocketPCFrm.SaveLocalBox.Caption=Save to local file
ExportToPocketPCFrm.SaveLocalBox.Hint=If checked your collection will be saved to the file on your computer instead of mobile device
MediaCountLabel=Media count
Media2Label=Media label
OrigTitleLabel=Original title
ChooseActionLabel=Choose an action
ErrorOpeningLabel=Error opening database
SetPasswordLabel=Set Password...
ChangePasswordLabel=Change Password...
bwjf9jsj20=Cancel Password...
FileSizeLabel=File Size
MediaTypeLabel=Media type
LoanLabel=Loaned to
StreamCountLabel=Streams count
VideoInfoLabel=Video stream info
AverageBitrateLabel=Average bitrate
FrameRateLabel=Frame rate
ColorDepthLabel=Color depth
AudioInfoLabel=Audio stream info
AudioLabel=Audio info
DeleteMovieConfirmLabel=Are you sure to delete this movie?
DeleteCoverLabel=Delete cover
DeleteScreenshotLabel=Delete screenshot
DeleteScreenshotConfirmLabel=Are you sure to delete this screenshot?
EndingLabel=Why get a license?*|*When you purchase a license, you'll get:*|* - free minor upgrades,*|* - no nag screens (like this screen),*|* - free technical support*|* - no more trial mode and no time limits.*|*Do You Want To Get Your License Right Now?
NoMoreScreenshotsLabel=You can save no more than 40 screenshots!
EvalOverLabel=Your evaluation period is over!*|*Do you want to order All My Movies?
TrialLabel=Trial Mode!
Trial2MessageLabel=This is a trial version and you have
Trial3MessageLabel=day(s) to evaluate. *|*To order program or to enter license information, please use menu Help->About.*|*Thank you!
CannotExecuteMailLabel=Cannot execute your default mail client. You can reach us at
NotDefinedLabel=Not Defined
CannotChangePasswdLabel=You don't have a rights to change password!
NewPasswdLabel=Enter New Password
ReenterPasswdLabel=Re-enter New Password
DontmatchLabel=Your passwords do not match!
CannotSetPasswdLabel=Cannot set password!
PasswordForLabel=Password for
IncorrectFormatLabel=has incorrect format!
NoFieldsLabel=You should have some fields to include for export!
DatabaseEmptyLabel=Your movie database is empty!
ExcelInstalledLabel=You should have Microsoft Excel installed in your system to do this export!
ScreenshotsSavedLabel=Screenshots saved in database
LookupIMDBLabel=Lookup details in the online database
NoCodecLabel=Cannot open this file format. Possibly you don't have a codec for it
ConnectingLabel=Connecting to the
CannotConnectlabel=Cannot connect!*|*Check your Internet connection!
ChooseMovieLabel=Choose your movie
MovieNotFoundLabel=Couldn't find this title on
NewGenreLabel=New Genre
NewMediaLabel=New Media Type
SearchResultsLabel=Search results
MainStatLabel=Your database consists of %d movie(s). %d movie(s) has been loaned
LicensedLabel=Licensed to:
UnregLabel=Unregistered trial version*|*You have %d day(s) left
NagMemoLabel=READ THIS CAREFULLY ONCE!*|* *|*This is a trial version of All My Movies and you can use it for 30 days. It has only one feature limit:*|* You can't create your own databases but you can use default database sample.amm.*|*NOTE: sample.amm will be rewritten each time you install new version of All My Movies or reinstall this version!*|* *|*You can purchase license for switching All My Movies to registered mode. To do this just click Get license button below. It will cost you only $29.95! Registered version has no feature limits and no time limit. Once registered you'll get all minor version upgrades for free! *|* *|*Thank you!
OnlyRegLabel=This feature available only in licensed version! *|* *|*
HTMLExampleLabel=Here is the example of simple HTML table output. You can select fields to include in the table.
NoRecordsLabel=There are no movies in your database!
FilteredLabel=Filtered by
ShowOnlyLabel=Show only movies where
ConnectUpdatesLabel=Connecting to to check for updates...
NoUpdatesLabel=No updates were found. Please try to check later.
NewUpdateLabel=New update is available!
UpdateDownLabel=Update will be downloaded now using your default browser *|* Dont forget to close All My Movies before installing update
MoviesExpLabel=Movies to be exported:
MyDatabaseLabel=My movie database
FriendsMessageLabel=Hello!*|*Here is my movie database created with %s software*|*
NoMAPILabel=Can't send database. Possibly you don't have MAPI-enabled mail client installed.
FieldLimitLabel=You can add no more than ten custom fields!
NewFieldLabel=New Field
NewFieldLabel2=Enter the name of new field
OnlyLatinLabel=Use only latin letters and numbers for field name!
FieldDeleteLabel=Do you really want to delete this field?*|*All infromation contained within this field will be lost!
FieldExistLabel=This field is already exists in the database!
MovieURLLabel=Visit movie's web page
IncorrectDVDLabel=No valid DVD video disc was found!*|*Do you want to select the disc directory?
ChooseDVDRootLabel=Choose DVD root folder
SubtitlesLabel=Available subtitles
AspectRatioLabel=Aspect Ratio
DateLabel=Date added
ChooseDiskLabel=Choose disk or folder to scan
MoviesToAddLabel=Movies to be added:
TrialOverlabel=Your trial is over
NoRecordsFoundLabel=No movies was found matching to the selected criteria!
LoanOffLabel=Are you sure this movie(s) has been returned?
SelectDatabaseLabel=Right click for select the database
MediaLocationLabel=Media Location
LastUpdatedLabel=Last updated
LocalPathLabel=Local path
DownloadPluginsLabel=Download more plugins...
ResetPrefsLabel=Are you sure you want to reset preferences to default values?
UpdateWarningLabel=WARNING! Sample database SAMPLE.AMM will be rewritten each time you update or reinstall All My Movies! Create another database for you collection
ConnectMobileLabel=Could not connect to the mobile device! Make sure device is connected and ActiveSync is active
SavedtoPPCLabel=Your collection was saved succesfully to your mobile device:
AnotherTitleLabel=Other title
DeleteAllScreensLabel=Are you sure to delete ALL screenshots at once for this movie?
FlagLabel=Personal marks
OverdueLabel=Overdue movies
OverdueWarningLabel=These movies should be returned by this time!*|*Press Esc key to see the full movie list.
TipsLabel=you can make program working faster by choosing "Real Size" screenshots in the "Tools->Preferences" menu.*|*you can easily find a movie in your database by entering the first letters of the title in the "Show" window located in the upper left corner.*|*you can reduce HDD space occupied by movie database by choosing "Database->Compress" menu.*|*you can compress the movie database automatically each time program exits. To do this just check "Compress on exit" box in the "Tools->Preferences" menu.*|*you can edit genres list by choosing "Tools->Preferences" menu.*|*you can fast add a new movie pressing "Ins" key.*|*you can fast add a new movie from file pressing "CTRL-Ins" keys.*|*you can edit current movie record by pressing "CTRL-E" keys.*|*you can add screenshot by pressing "CTRL-S" keys.*|*you can delete screenshot by right click mouse on it and choose "Delete screenshot" action.*|*you can delete current movie record simply pressing "Del" key.*|*you can do advanced movie search using several database fields pressing F3 key.*|*you can do fast filtering your movie database by genre. To do this just choose genre in the listbox above.*|*you can press "CTRL-P" keys for fast program preferences.*|*you can send all your suggestion about this program to Go to the menu item About->Support...*|*you can export your movie database to plaintext format by choosing "Tools->Export to Plaintext" menu or pressing "CTRL-T" keys.*|*you can export your movie database to HTML format by choosing "Tools-Export to HTML" menu or pressing "CTRL-H" keys*|*you can export your movie database to Microsoft Excel format by choosing "Tools-Export to Microsoft Excel" menu or pressing "CTRL-M" keys.*|*you can edit movie details by double click on movie's title or in movie description area.*|*you can manage loans using checkbox near the movie's title*|*you can import movie details from the online database Just enter OrigTitle field when adding movie and press Enter.*|*you can set password protection to your database by choosing Database->Set Password menu.*|*you can remove password protection (if exists) by choosing Database->Change Password menu and setting an empty password.*|*you can display local or original movie titles. To switch go to the Preferences window.*|*you can move or hide/show toolbar items. Do this with Right click on toolbar or drag and drop.*|*